Don’t Be a Stranger

Tips for Forming Better Relationships With Teachers

Carlotta Angiolillo, Online Editor-in-Chief

Tips for Forming Better Relationships With Teachers

Positive student-teacher relationships can enhance a student’s educational experience in many different ways. For example, when students have good relationships with their teachers, learning becomes more enjoyable and students are motivated to do well. Unfortunately, because of the limited amount of time in each class period, it is often difficult for students and teachers to have meaningful interactions beyond polite smiles and obligatory greetings. Communication is especially difficult now with coronavirus restrictions and online school, but there are still a variety of ways to interact despite the obstacles.

Participate in class discussions

One of the easiest ways to build a relationship is to participate in class discussions, especially in subjects such as English and social studies. Voicing your opinion in class allows your teacher to get to know you better and opens up possibilities for substantial conversations. Character Strong, which includes activities and personal questions, is another opportunity to connect with both classmates and teachers.

Ask your teacher how they’re doing

Before class begins, start a conversation with your teacher by asking them how their day is going or how they are feeling in general. Instead of becoming stuck in trivial small talk, ask follow up questions that will make the conversation meaningful. It’s okay to be curious as long as you’re not intrusive — asking questions demonstrates a genuine interest in getting to know your teacher.

Be a responsible student

Most teachers have at least 100 students, and they don’t have time to make sure everyone is staying on top of their schoolwork. If your teacher has to spend time nagging you to turn in your assignments or stay on task, it will create feelings of tension and frustration. Hold yourself accountable for getting your work done, and make sure you ask for help when you need it. If your teachers know you are doing your best, they will be more willing to give you assistance.

Send a thank you email

As well as being underpaid, teachers often go unappreciated. If you have a teacher who you feel has done a good job navigating the transition to the “new normal”, send them an email that explains why you appreciate what they have done. Simply acknowledging your teacher’s hard work and dedication can brighten their day.