Season of Giving

Trey Vondenstein, Sports Director

Throughout the year, there are many varsity sports teams that come in and out of season continually. Every game day, the Senior Ladies Club (although it is not required to be a senior) provide their assigned athletes with a bag full of the players various snacks, drinks, candies, and other things that the athletes request. Although a small gesture, the Senior Ladies provide a regularity in an athlete’s gameday schedule that helps them tune in on the tasks ahead of them.
“I think that the bags help the players keep their spirits up and gets them excited for the game,” senior Katherine Everhard said. “One week I wasn’t at school to give my player his bag, and he’s still pouting about it.”
Although the gift bags are a kind gesture, providing them weekly does include paying money for snacks and candy every week. While there is no set price limit, the prices per bag vary.
“Last year I spent around $10 per bag,” Everhard said. “This year, since I know my athlete, I don’t mind paying about $20 on his bag every week.”
While some of the ladies have one athlete, there are others who are assigned to multiple players. This, although seeming like a costly task, has shown to pay off to the athletes who didn’t get assigned to anyone.
“Seeing them happy when they get their bags is the best part,” sophomore Brooke Ludwig said. “I really like having more than one athlete because I get to meet new people.”
Similarly, there has been a new club started called the Spirit Club. The Senior Ladies club only cover the male sports; that’s where the Spirit Club comes in. The new club is to provide gift bags and goodies to the female sports on game days, to show support for all sports.
“Spirit club was made to bring awareness to our incredible female athletes, who I believe don’t get enough recognition,” senior founder Maya Ghavidel said. “Our goal is to inspire and encourage young women to be the best people they can possibly be, and to spread some happiness on the way. Whether it’s with candy or positive notes, Spirit Club aims to brighten a girl’s day and cheer them on for their game or meet.”
For more information about Spirit Club, please inquire to [email protected].