Humans of Seven Lakes: Kathleen Yu
Junior Kathleen Yu holds leadership positions in many different organizations at Seven Lakes, including the Miracle Project and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA).
Q: How did you become a part of the Miracle Project and what have you come to value during your time in it?
A: I actually started the Miracle Project with Sampadaa [but] she’s moved, so I’m the only president for it right now. Originally, we wanted to find a philanthropic project where students can help contribute by both expanding their creativity through making different cards, and at the same time, bringing smiles and joy to children with cancer or senior citizens. We actually have expanded our membership almost three times since last year, and I’m very excited to see how many cards we can donate.
Q: And how did you get the Texas Children’s Hospital to be involved?
A: We originally just contacted them through email, and then we donated close to 100 cards last year. I think twice throughout the school year, we made two different travels of donations. This year, we’re expanding beyond that and also donating to senior citizen homes. Our current project is actually working with a local senior residency near us where we’re going to be donating cards to.
Q: What have you gotten out of this experience?
A: This experience has been very enriching for me because I not only get to exercise my creativity into making cards that bring a smile to other people’s faces, but I can also develop both my leadership skills and my ability to delegate jobs to my fellow officers.
Q: Speaking of creativity, in what ways have you utilized it outside of school activities?
A: I do have my own Redbubble shop where I design stickers through digital art on Procreate and I upload them so people can buy them. Not only do I do that but in my free time, I love just drawing on Procreate and designing our FBLA chapter’s t-shirts and officer sweatshirts this year. And sometimes I do design logos for people.
Q: As the president of the Fitness Outreach club, what process did you go through in setting it up?
A: I initially had the idea to do the Fitness Outreach because I wanted to help improve Seven Lakes students’ both physical and mental health, considering the rigorous Seven Lakes course load and everything. I first initially had the idea at the end of my sophomore year. The biggest task was to find an advisor to help sponsor the event. And then after coordinating with the dance directors and finding my own advisor, I found Ms. Wilson. After that, I sent in the club paperwork forms, and then the beginning of my junior year, I set all the dates, found officers that I could run the club with and then reserved the dance gym for the meeting dates.
Q: Along with this, how does being a student assistant for the school’s dance department impact your own life as a dancer?
A: Being a student assistant for Dance I is one of the most enriching experiences so far in my dance passion. It’s a great way for me to not only help others with their dance but also experience my creativity within dance by helping choreograph both their Winter Showcase performance and their Crossroads performance. I love leading their warm-ups because I can not only exercise myself but also transfer my knowledge to others and cultivate new friendships with the people in our class.
Q: How are you balancing time while preparing to graduate next year?
A: Considering junior year is notoriously hard, I have been getting much better in improving my time management. I’ve learned to effectively delegate tasks to my fellow officers and to ask for help from them whenever I need it so that I can efficiently plan and organize events under the stress of schoolwork.
Q: With Future Business Leaders of America, what has been a noticeable change from freshman year to now?
A: Ever since going to high school, I’ve always wanted to join FBLA. And I did join as a freshman ambassador, where I not only got to dip my toe into the immense amount of opportunities FBLA has to offer but also find my passion in the organization. From there, I became the Vice President of Socials in the Seven Lakes chapter last year, and I planned three successful socials. After that, I got the role of Area President, which I could not have done without the help of my fellow officers. I also decided to run for the State Area 5 Vice President, and with the help of my amazing campaign manager, Sofia, we did get the role as well.
Q: What has been your favorite part of this club?
A: My favorite part of FBLA is definitely traveling with my teammates. We actually went to Nationals in Chicago this past summer and I had so much fun. FBLA has really created a community of close friends, and it’s really like a family for me. The support I receive from everyone is my favorite part.
Q: What are you looking forward to this year?
A: I really look forward to expanding all the organizations I’m in and really finding exactly what I want to do in college, as well as just continue learning and growing both academically and as a person.