It’s a Twin (or Triplet) Thing
Audrey, Ava, and Kayla Blum enjoy being triplets because it is like having built-in best friends.
If you’re a sibling, then you probably know the definition of sharing inside and out. Growing up, you most likely had to share a pack of crayons, a piece of chocolate, a bedroom. But for twins and triplets, sharing takes on a whole new meaning after having to share the womb with someone for nearly nine months. For triplet juniors Kayla, Ava, and Audrey Blum, sharing is a natural thing. Over the years they’ve shared the same birthday, similar experiences, and time with each other.
“[Being a triplet] is nice, it’s like having built-in best friends [and I] like to have them always there with me,” Kayla said.
For most of us, it is hard to imagine being one of three, but for Ava, Audrey, and Kayla, it’s natural. After being with her sisters her whole life, Ava couldn’t imagine anything different, even if being a triplet does have its downfalls.
“It’s pretty fun at times, but kind of annoying because not a lot of people can tell you apart,” Ava said.
“[I don’t like] people guessing our names. All the time. And then people asking a bunch of questions, but you’re used to it,” Audrey said.
Like most siblings, the Blum triplets are there for each other’s ups and downs on the roller coaster ride of life. But unlike most siblings, having a sibling in your grade makes for fast and easy homework help.
“[I like] that we have each other for school and help each other with stuff like homework, and just having each other in general” Audrey said.
While the chance of having triplets is only one in 10,000 pregnancies, the chance of having twins is one in 250, so Seven Lakes has many more pairs of twins than it does triplets. One of Seven Lakes’ twins are sophomores Madison and Mackenzie Royer. Just like the Blum triplets, the Royer twins are best friends and always there for each other.
“I mean, to me [being a twin] is pretty normal, but we’re always together. And we’re really close; we have pretty much the same friends,” Madison said. “With my sister, it’s like having a friend that’s my age. So, all the stuff that we do is the same.”
Most siblings like to joke that they are a package deal, inseparable, practically the same person – just different bodies. But for the Royer twins, being inseparable really is the truth when they’re in the same grade as each other, look alike, live under the same roof, and are naturally close with each other.
“I think [having a twin] makes it more interesting because it’s like a built-in best friend and you get to spend every single moment pretty much with them,” Mackenzie said. “You can talk to them about anything, and you don’t have to worry about them saying something to other people or anything like that.”
Seniors Naha and Shayaan Baig are also twins, though being different genders gives them a different dynamic than what the Royer sisters may have. However, being in the same grade still gives them the built-in homework help, as well as built-in best friend to help them through their struggles.
“He drives the car here so that’s good. I guess it’s good [being a twin] because you can just talk about your classes and struggle together,” Naha said. “My favorite part is probably seeing him in the hallway with his friends and making fun of them.”
Though not all of us have siblings, everyone can agree that life is definitely better when you share it with someone else. For all twins, triplets, and practically all siblings, this saying rings true, whether you were born the same time as your sibling or you happen to be the younger or older sibling. No matter how crazy this world gets, everyone needs someone to lean on. For those of us who have siblings, they are our greatest allies and cheerleaders, so whether you have one or two, three, or four siblings, a twin or a triplet, remember that they will always be here for you and you should be there for them too.
Natalie Guske is a senior and this is her third year on the Torch staff. This is her first year of being an editor and she is very excited to continue to learn and write the stories of her peers in this new role. Outside of newspaper Natalie plays trumpet...