New Club Brings Awareness to Minority Issues

Graphic by Raza Khan

The Minority Awareness Committee is a new club for the 2021-2022 school year.

 Minority Awareness Committee, a new club at Seven Lakes, has been formed for the 2021 –  2022 academic year. The club’s founder and president is sophomore Llia Bosso.  The association has the support of two sponsors – Mr. Kenney, who teaches AP Human Geography, and Mr. Robertson, who teaches African American history. 

“I was tired of not doing anything [about injustice and discrimination],” Bosso said. “So I really wanted to do as much as someone my age, in my situation, could do.”

The club has 35 members this year and hopes to gain more in the future. 

“I believe [35 members is] quite good for a club that’s in its first year,” Bosso said. 

The club discusses new subjects every month, such as Hispanic and Latino Heritage month, which runs from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The club has five officer positions: president, vice-president, special events coordinator, secretary, and finance director.

“The objective is to learn about each other’s culture and educate each other,” Bosso said. “Education is something that’s really overlooked but it’s really important. I’m just tired of people not educating themselves, and just not being a good person. I want to make people learn in a fun way so that we can have less of that problem.” 

In today’s society, anti-racism and social justice have become topics of conversation. Social justice movements have become common in schools across the nation, as students have been exploring more social topics. Anyone who wants to learn more about topics such as modern racism and educate themselves is welcome to join the club. 

The Minority Awareness Committee organizes meetings to raise awareness about historical events, characters, and organizations that aren’t commonly taught in schools, such as women in leadership.  

“Popular beliefs leave out a lot of history,” Bosso said.  “As you get older and [learn] the true history, you  wonder why they didn’t teach it, so I’m here to help educate the students.”

A typical meeting begins with a team-building activity, then moves on to a more in-depth discussion of the background of the topic, followed by an informative presentation, concluding with a fun activity. Understanding each other’s traditions and backgrounds, discussion topics, and fundraising activities are all part of the club’s projects.