Humans of Seven Lakes: Sarah Fibich
“I’m from Lake Charles and lived there for 10 years. I moved to Katy in the 5th grade. Moving from lake Charles to Katy was a big change for me. I came from a really small town where I knew every single person since I was a baby to a city where I didn’t have a single friend. It took a really long time for me to adjust but overall I think the experience helped me learn how to make friends and meet new people.
I used to run track and cross country, for three years of high school until my senior year. I stopped because of my new editor position in yearbook and now that I was involved with something else, my head just wasn’t in it anymore. I needed a break.
I never thought I would do yearbook, I always thought I would do athletics. I was in Mrs. K ‘s photojournalism class when she talked to me about applying to be on yearbook staff and I really liked the idea. I love working on design and photography and anything to help our yearbook. Being on staff was the best decision I’ve made. Last year was the best staff we’ve ever had, we just worked so well together and I learned to like it. I am actually an editor this year. From last year, I never thought I could actually be an editor because I thought I didn’t know enough or have enough experience. However, me and my two really close friends (Rafael and Daniela) all tried out for an editor position together and we all got it. I think all the editors this year are so close and we just help each other out and it’s a great group of people who are all dedicated.
I am going to LSU next year. I really enjoyed the time I had here and the friends I’ve made but I’m so excited to move back to Louisiana, I miss the culture and the food so much. Louisiana will always feel like home for me.
As a kid, I was sure I was going to be famous. As a kid I wanted to be a fashion designer I would have these sketch books where I would draw all my designs. I want to do something in my future with design or photography but unfortunately, I don’t think it’s going to happen. As of now, I’m undecided, but I’m pretty sure I’m going to take a pre-med track. I think I want to become an orthodontist.
However, I am definitely going to stay in touch with everyone here once I leave.”