Despite the stress of finals approaching, the cold front of Christmas season and festivities brought a lot of eagerness for students. Similar to how students would count down the days before Christmas...
For decades, “Wicked” has graced the stages of Broadway and captivated audiences with its clever spin on The Wizard of Oz. Everybody loves a good villain origin story, and the original casting of Idina...
Hailey Ngyuen: What inspired you to go into dermatology? I've always struggled with eczema and psoriasis--which were extremely bad--and...
Halfway through the first semester, most schools are hyped about the homecoming dance; however, the Indian Association of Seven Lakes hosts a...
Isabella Perez Nunez, Editor in Chief
January 10, 2025
Reynaldo Mata Rodriguez, Staff Writer
January 8, 2025
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The Naturals is the perfect fall book for those who want to slip into that autumn feeling even though it still feels like summer half the time....
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