The Beginning for the Boys Basketball

Trey Vondenstein, Sports Manager

Basketball is an activity that is loved by many across the globe, as well as one of the many great American past times. Skill is indeed a large part, but heart and passion can be just as important. As the season starts, the hype is real. The players have been gnawing at the bit to get out onto the court and showcase what they are capable of doing, and the fans have been waiting patiently to observe the talents that our team possesses.

“November 17th is our first game,” junior guard Nygal Russel said. “This year we are hoping to win district and go as far as we can into playoffs.”

A strong team bond is required for a great team, and could be one of the biggest portions of the game.

“No one can slack at one moment, everyone has to give it their all,” senior guard Kyle Howard said. “You just have to put everything that you have into it; one person just can’t do everything”.
Conditioning is crucial as well. Most of the time while on the court, you are running; therefor, one must take the initiative to condition him or herself to stay paced along with everyone else.
“Being able to run with other people that are conditioned is huge,” Howard said. “It’s really tiring so you have to put in a lot”.

Basketball is a great game to watch, as well as to play. Basketball players must practice to the point of perfection, and all of the work pays off at the end. The games are always fun to watch, leaving most everyone with an enjoyable time. Come out this season and support the basketball team for a fun and exciting time.